Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gardening Club and a test

Today was the second of four meetings for the school gardening club.  Mrs. Thomas, the teacher in reception (preschool), is the leader of the group - one which started three months ago and has cycled through a new set of kids every four weeks.

It rained.  It really rained. 

While it was raining, they sought refuge inside, but when things calmed down, they were back outside pulling weeds.  They were mostly dry, but all the way dirty when I got there to pick them up.  Apparently it was a busy session of pulling weeds (apparently cilantro is a weed here), replanting marigolds and squash and digging wherever nothing was growing.  There was a lot of digging.

Calls last week to go buy gardening gloves were not heard today as both Rose and Xyla are actually quite fond of dirt between their fingers.



Hey, if you read this blog as an email, will you just send me an email saying that you do that.  Don't feel like you really have to write anything.  Just let me know this.  I have received a couple of emails over the past couple of months, but am curious as to the interest in this thing.  If you link from a Blogger account or your own website, no need to send anything as I can see your traffic as part of the stats that Blogger keeps track of.  Your time with this is appreciated.  I know at least that my mom is reading.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Steve. I've been following the blog since you switched to Blogger. I read it through Google Reader, so I'm not sure how those stats show up. It's been great to read about your adventures (although I look forward to an in-person recap later in the summer!) Regards to the family.
